Postal address
Dąbrowa 34 A,
95-081 Dłutów, Poland
Have you considered collaborating with the European Centre of Art & Education? By teaming up with this prestigious organization, you can establish yourself as a trusted authority in your University/Company.
Located in the heart of Europe, the European Centre of Art & Education is a hub for creativity, innovation, and collaboration. With its state-of-the-art facilities and world-class programming, it attracts a diverse range of visitors from around the globe. By partnering with this dynamic institution, you can gain access to a whole new audience of art enthusiasts, educators, and cultural connoisseurs.
As the Presidents of the company, we are excited about the possibilities of collaborating with the European Centre of Art & Education. The key benefits of this partnership include the development of perspectives in the fields of science, education, cultural exchange, and international student exchange – particularly between China and Poland. This collaboration offers opportunities for promoting science, culture, and art; international artistic projects, music competitions, the Suzuki method, scientific promotion, academic titles, and degrees. We look forward to exploring these avenues and creating meaningful partnerships that will benefit both our organizations and contribute to the advancement of knowledge and creativity.
Prof. Dr. Dariusz Mikulski & Xie Wei